‘Heart of An Aussie Owl’
© 2015 by Shiloh Moore
December 2015
Pitt Pen on Watercolour Paper
I sell (and give away) cards I’ve made from cardstock, scrapbooking materials and stickers. In October a friend wanted an owl card (of which I had many!) but he did not want a ‘horned’ owl or owl with heavy eyebrows – ‘they’re American. I want an Aussie Owl!’
Of course all the scrapbooking materials I can find only have ‘horned’ or ‘heavy browed’ owls. So I looked at Australian Owls at www.owlpages.com and fell in love with their almost heart shaped faces. So bit by bit throughout December 2015 I drew my own version of an Aussie Owl.
‘Heart Of An Aussie Owl – Step by step Collage’
© 2015 by Shiloh Moore
This was the evolution of my drawing.
May the heart, the essence, the wisdom, the power and the beauty of an Aussie Owl be with you 🙂
May this owl welcome you to the New Year.