Osher Günsberg has made a wonderful documentary on chronic pain, ‘Osher Günsberg: A world of pain’ available on SBS on Demand. My high school friend Ashley Davies produced it. I drew Osher, and also Ash with me at our 20 year high school reunion in 2017.
In the documentary, it was interesting to hear different experiences of people with chronic pain. Some I really identified with. I laughed when one girl said she looks forward to hopefully less pain, but also the sandwiches after surgery! I need regular colonoscopies and those sandwiches get me through, hahaha!
I love how Osher invites us to approach pain differently, like some actually seek it for sexual pleasure. Over 35 years with fibromyalgia I have been able to block out pain and meditate to lessen its impact. I still feel the pain but I can notice and describe it but know I am safe and can observe it without it traumatising me so much. I don’t know how I do it, but Osher has the right idea in reframing how we see and respond to pain signals.
At the end of the documentary there was current research where with a blood sample under the microscope you may be able to actually see chronic pain represented by colours. To be able to objectively show and prove our pain would be absolutely phenomenal. My fibromyalgia pain has never been visible and sometimes it’s frustrating that I can’t show it, so it would be a dream to be able to with a simple finger prick.
I’ve seen Osher on our TV since he was Andrew G on Foxtel’s Channel V! It’s fantastic he’s opening up and sharing his experiences with mental illness and now chronic pain with a wide audience. Thank you, Osher! And fantastic work, Ash!