
copyright 2012 by Shiloh Moore
(Painted 9/6/12)
8″x12″ Acrylic and Permanent Marker on Canvas
I drew a tiny drawing of this reindeer years ago, and rediscovered it looking through my art journals. 
I first re-drew it in January and added the colours in the green and red prints below.  
I know it’s not Christmas, but I’d rather paint now as I feel inspired, so I painted the above canvas with red, white and green acrylic paints, and then drew the line drawing of the reindeer in permanent marker.
 ‘Reindeer’ in Green
copyright 2012 Shiloh Moore
 ‘Reindeer’ in Red
copyright 2012 Shiloh Moore
So here’s some reindeer – just in time for ‘Christmas in July’ I guess!

4 thoughts on “Reindeer

  1. Sarah Bellany Reply

    Ah ha I spy a christmas card in the making. 😉

    Gorgeous Shi.

    Your small to big drawing process reminds me of an artist I once knew, who used to draw things small and then use a photocopier/scanner to make them bigger. He made beautiful logo's/cartoons/line drawings that way.

  2. Shi Reply

    Thanks Sarah! Ha ha my 'secret' method has been revealed! Sometime I redraw them but if I can't get the right proportions I photocopy and enlarge too 🙂 Thanks for the comment! xx

  3. Anonymous Reply

    I love that you explain your creative process, the stages you progress through to arrive at your final piece.

    Love the final product: the reindeer against the mingled red, green and white (that look randomly mixed, but they're not, are they? because the balance between the different colours is too perfect). Also the mildly coarse or textured colouring (as opposed to the smooth red and green ones)somehow makes the reindeer seem more alive.

    I'd definitely buy it as Christmas card :).
    Lilith XO

  4. Shi Reply

    Thanks so much Lilith! It was an experiment to get the background how it was. I initially tried it with metallic colours but they looked wrong, so I tried again with the more conventional primary colours. And I first just only used red and green but then there wasn't a big enough contrast to see the black, so I added the white. I'm glad it finally worked out after that! Thanks for your kind comments 🙂

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