‘Girls Just Want To Have Fun’ ByShi Rainbow Bubbles of Collective Effervescence By Shiloh Moore 2024
Part 1: THE SONG – I have drawn the 80’s pop icon Cyndi Lauper in ‘True Colours’ from a screenshot to the film clip ‘The World Is Stone’ from her ‘Twelve Deadly Cyns… and then some’ music dvd. ‘Girls Just Want to Have Fun’ is my favourite song ever. My brother plays it at music gigs, and always dedicates it to me. In 2005 we saw Cyndi Lauper perform live, and it was a true life highlight. I love Cyndi!
PART 2: THE MOVIE – ‘Girls Just Want To Have Fun’ is my all time favourite movie ever! Sarah Jessica Parker, Shannen Doherty, and Helen Hunt were my idols. I watched it hundreds of times. In one scene of the movie, Janey (Sarah JP) goes ‘I’ve got a cheek ache from smiling!’ but as a kid I heard it as ‘cheesecake’. I was developing severe Fibromyalgia and I always had a ‘cheesecake from smiling’, so this line made sense! It reassured me that I was allowed to complain of pain. Shannon was so cool as Maggie Malene and the three of them were quintessential ideals to me.
Watching that movie is my happy place – the songs, the dancing, the cast. It’s just everything and it totally gives me a cheesecake from smiling, even thinking of it still to this day! May peace be with you, dear Shannon.
Sarah Jessica ParkerShannen DohertyHelen Hunt#girlsjustwanttohavefun