My beautiful nibling Ani turned 16 recently (nibling = gender neutral term for niece or nephew). She absolutely adores Ariana Grande so her mum, Eva, asked me to draw Ariana and make Ani a tshirt.
I drew it months ago, and we excitedly gave Ani the shirt on Fri 1st Nov. The next day, they both flew to Sydney to see Ariana arrive on the yellow brick road/ red carpet for the opening of the movie Wicked! Ani’s birthday was the following Monday. Astonishing timing!
It feels amazing to live in my friends’ lives through my art, so I can live beyond my bed even though I’m mostly housebound. Ani’s never going to forget the experience, and it fills me with joy to help her celebrate and give her a shirt she can wear for a long time to come. It’s magical.
Thank you, Ariana Grande for being such a light in our lives and for helping me bond with Ani!
#ArianaGrande#WickedMovie Eva Ruggiero