But I’d rather say that than nothing at all…”
A few friends have been going through severe times lately. I’ve been looking for an appropriate card – but ‘Get well soon’ when you have a long term chronic illness is like a kick in the face, you know it’s not going to happen (well you may improve to a better level – hopefully – but it’s highly unlikely you’ll recover to being fully ‘well’.) And a sympathy card is not appropriate either, nobody’s died – you’re still alive, life is just incredibly hard for you! There are times when I just don’t know what to say. So I thought I’d make a card that said just that.
I know from experience, especially in the early days of chronic long term illness, that I would rather hear from somebody that they have been thinking of me rather than feel isolated not realising others cared. Sometimes just letting someone know you care – and acknowledging there is no ‘quick fix’ or ‘cure’, but you are still there – that means the world. You don’t have to ‘fix’ the problem. Just being there is important beyond measure. And if you send a card like this and don’t hear back – it’s most often not because it’s not appreciated. It’s appreciated perhaps even more so. So send it with no agenda for a response. Know your efforts will be appreciated, and reciprocated in spirit if not in practice!