I am an Australian with multiple chronic health conditions. My life has been saved by our world class health care system multiple times.
My main condition though, ME/CFS (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) is largely neglected worldwide. I have friends with ME in the US.
In March 2012 a couple, Courtney and Bob Miller, at a town hall meeting in Reno, Nevada, asked Obama to increase the funding and research for ME in the US. Obama promised he would investigate what the NIH (National Institute for Health) was doing about ME, and he kept that promise to elevate the priority of ME/CFS in the US.
We have just seen the next president’s Inauguration and marches for women around the world. I was not well enough to march, but instead I turned the TV off and drew Michelle and Barack Obama in gratitude for the impact they have made globally. I drew most of this portrait while lying down.
I stand with healthcare (especially treatment of people with ME/CFS,) women’s rights, race relations, multiculturalism, LGBTI rights and with the marginalised.
The world is watching, with bated breath.