Peter Maniatis from Superior Fruit Graceville, is performing as Elvis in Unsung Heroes, raising money and awareness for the Carers Foundation Australia on October 5th. The Carers Foundation do amazing work for the wellbeing of unpaid carers in the community. He’s just shy of reaching his fundraising goal of $20,000, so if you can, please donate to push him over the line! https://unsung24.raisely.com/peter-maniatis
I drew Pete in my ‘Rainbow Bubbles Of Collective Effervescence’ original ByShi Portrait style, to help support him to raise money for the cause. Pete and I went to highschool together three decades ago! (Are we really that old?!)
I was forced to leave school aged 15 due to severe Fibromyalgia and ME/CFS (Myalgic Encephalomeyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.) The year I was 16 I was completely bedbound, unable to bathe or feed myself for the year. My Dad was sick as well and Mum worked full time and cared for us. Dad did the shopping and cooking to help us survive. In 1997 when Pete was in year 12 I went back to school and spoke in chapel to raise awareness for Fibromyalgia and what was then referred to as CFS. Since then I have relied on support from carers through Communify and now NDIS.
I could not survive without the amazing contribution of carers, and Australia’s public health system, Medicare, DSP, PBS, and now NDIS. With this exceptional care I not only survive, I thrive.
Support Peter in his Unsung Heroes quest https://unsung24.raisely.com/peter-maniatis
For more of my story and my art, see my online exhibition See ME Expo www.seemeexpo.com/shiloh-moore my website www.byshi.hogfish.net and my Facebook and Instagram page ByShi Art by Shiloh Moore
Thank you for supporting our wonderful carers, and good luck, go Pete!
Superior Fruit KitchenThe Carers Foundation Australia#unsungheroes#unsunghero#thecarersfoundation